
Thanks for wanting to use my cartoon. To obtain your copy here's what you need to do.

To use the cartoon all you need to do is to pay a fee for the right to reproduce it. Once you've paid you will be automatically sent to a page from which you can download a high resolution copy of the cartoon with one click.

The amount that you have to pay for the cartoon depends on the use to which it's going to be put. You'll find a list of uses below.
If your exact use isn't listed please choose the one that you think is closest – it's impossible to cover all possible uses in a list without the list becoming endless! If in doubt, or if your use is unusual or complicated, please contact me.

Purchasing the rights to use the cartoon doesn't entitle you to use it indiscriminately forever – copyright rules state that you're purchasing the right to use it only for the agreed purpose. If you want to use the image for any use beyond the agreed purpose you have to pay separately for each use. There's more on copyright here.


Please choose your intended use from the menu below. The different categories and terms of use are explained in more detail lower down this page.

Personal Use

License fee: £5
For most personal uses you need to pay a small fee, to cover administration and overheads.
This category allows the use of a cartoon by an individual for any personal use that doesn't have a financial, commercial or work-related dimension. This includes use on personal social media, personal websites and blogs, and for use on personal gifts such as framed prints, mugs or T-shirts (up to three individual items, such as three T-shirts) or greetings cards (up to ten individual cards).
This category also includes use by community organisations that are staffed by volunteers or unpaid staff, such as local social clubs, community groups or interest groups (such as gardening groups, bird watching groups or similar).


License fee: £5
This includes use by teaching staff within a school, college or university or in any other setting in which the use can by described as educational, other than where it is for commercial training purposes.
The cartoon has to be directed towards students and not towards other teaching staff or other paid staff.
The fee allows for repeated use of the cartoon within the educational setting using any medium and for reproduction of the cartoon for the use of the students.

Presentations (non-commercial)

License fee: please see the buy button below
The fee for the use of a single cartoon in a PowerPoint or similar presentation given by people engaged in paid non-commercial work. This includes educational and academic work.
Educational presentations given to students falls into the Teaching category above.
The cartoon can be used repeatedly until the total audience reaches the upper limit stated on the licensing button.

Presentations (commercial)

License fee: please see the buy button below
The fee is for the use of a single cartoon in a PowerPoint or similar presentation given by paid staff or by individuals engaged in their paid work where the purpose of the presentation includes the pursuit of financial gain or profit, or is otherwise of financial benefit to a commercial organisation. The cartoon can be used repeatedly until the total audience reaches the upper limit stated on the licensing button.

Websites and blogs (non-commercial)

License fee: £20
Use on one website or blog for an indefinite period, where the site is that of a non-commercial organisation or institution such as a school, college, university, museum, arts organisation or government department.
For educational sites aimed at students please use the Teaching category.
For personal sites of a non-commercial nature please use the Personal Use category.

Websites and blogs (commercial)

License fee: £35
Use on one website or blog for an indefinite period, where the site is that of a commercial business or organisation or that takes paying subscribers or advertisers.

Social media (non-commercial)

License fee: £5
This category allows the user to post the cartoon on a social networking site or forum where the purpose of the post is employment-related and where the user or anyone associated with the user (such as an employer) is not using the site for financial gain, such as by promoting a business, selling products or services, or by the generation of advertising revenue.
For personal posts please use the Personal Use category instead.
A social networking site is defined a site that is specifically designed for the purpose of generally rapid, informal and immediate communication such as Facebook or Twitter. A web forum is defined as an internet based discussion group that is either accessible to the general public or that is limited to a specific group of users.

Social media (commercial)

License fee: £9
This category allows a cartoon to be used on a social networking site or forum where the purpose is intended to promote or benefit the user or anyone associated with the user (such as an employer) in terms of financial gain, such as by promoting a business, selling products or services, or by the generation of advertising revenue.
A social networking site is defined as a site that is specifically designed for the purpose of generally rapid, informal and immediate communication such as Facebook or Twitter. A web forum is defined as an internet based discussion group that is either accessible to the general public or that is limited to a specific group of users.

Printed newsletters and circulars (non-commercial)

License fee: £10
Use where the cartoon will be distributed internally within an organisation that is not engaged in commercial work and where the cartoon will not be available to the general public.
Relevant organisations include academic and educational establishments, museums, government departments or similar.
The use allows a print run of up to 1,000 per year for an indefinite period.

Printed newsletters and circulars (commercial)

License fee: £20
Use where the cartoon will be distributed internally within an organisation that pursues financial gain and where the cartoon will not be available to the general public.
The use allows a print run of up to 1,000 per year for an indefinite period. This license excludes use in company reports or business brochures.

Non-commercial publications

License fee: £15
Where the cartoon is to be used in a publication produced by a non-commercial organisation.
The work can be available to the public.
Publications include academic journals and magazines produced by non-commercial organisations.


License fee: please see the buy button below
This includes books that are sold.
The license fee depends on the print run of the publication. Reprinting of the book requires a further payment.
The license allows for parallel digital use.
It allows cartoon use other than as the cover of a publication (Please contact me for these rates).


License fee: please see the buy button below
This includes magazines that are published by commercial organisations that are for sale, are obtained as part of a subscription package or that take significant amounts of advertising.
The license fee depends on the print run of the publication.
The license allows for parallel digital use.
It allows cartoon use other than as the cover of a publication (Please contact me for these rates).


License fee: please see the buy button below
This includes newspapers that are for sale or that take significant amounts of advertising.
The license allows for parallel digital use.
It allows cartoon use other than as the front page of a publication (Please contact me for these rates).

Charities and campaign groups

License fee: £4
Much as I would like to allow free use of my work by good causes, economic realities and the need to cover costs dictate that I need to charge a small fee for its use.
By campaign work I mean such activities as environmental campaigns, human rights campaigns or health campaigns.
Campaigns linked to commercial concerns (such as health campaigns linked to the sale or promotion of a product or commercial service) are not included in this category.
Campaign groups that promote hatred, violence or any form of nastiness are barred, as are those that promote anything that has ever been accused of being pseudo-science or conspiracy theories.

Charities and campaign groups

License fee: £4
Much as I would like to allow free use of my work by good causes, economic realities and the need to cover costs dictate that if a charity or campaign group has a budget for communications/publicity etc I need to charge a small fee for its use.
Groups with no budget, including local, budgetless groups that are part of larger organisations, please go here.
By campaign work I mean such activities as environmental campaigns, human rights campaigns or health campaigns.
Campaigns linked to commercial concerns (such as health campaigns linked to the sale or promotion of a product or commercial service) are not included in this category.
Campaign groups that promote hatred, violence or any form of nastiness are barred, as are those that promote anything that has ever been accused of being pseudo-science or conspiracy theories.
Please use the following categories only if they specifically apply to you.
Remember that using the images for purposes other than the ones that you have selected is a breach of copyright.
Use by individual students as part of their studies
Students in schools, colleges, universities or similar educational establishments can use my cartoons free of charge as long as the use is part of their studies or related projects (This can range from school projects to postgraduate projects), and as long as the use of the image is at the student's own initiative and isn't suggested by a teacher, lecturer or similar.
To obtain a copy of the cartoon please click the link below.
Use by charities and campaign groups
Charities and organisations engaged in campaign work can use my cartoons free of charge. By campaign work I mean such activities as environmental campaigns, human rights campaigns or health campaigns.
Campaigns linked to commercial concerns (such as health campaigns linked to the sale or promotion of a product or commercial service) are not included in this category.
Campaign groups that promote hatred, violence or any form of nastiness are barred, as are those that promote anything that has ever been accused of being pseudo-science or conspiracy theories.
To obtain a copy of the cartoon please click the link below.
Use by small charities and campaign groups
Small charities, local branches of larger charities, and other organisations engaged in campaign work that have no budget for communication, publicity etc can use my cartoons free of charge. By campaign work I mean such activities as environmental campaigns, human rights campaigns or health campaigns.
Campaigns linked to commercial concerns (such as health campaigns linked to the sale or promotion of a product or commercial service) are not included in this category.
Campaign groups that promote hatred, violence or any form of nastiness are barred, as are those that promote anything that has ever been accused of being pseudo-science or conspiracy theories.
To obtain a copy of the cartoon please click the link below.