Cartoon – Jesus keys his pin number into a cash point machine (atm)
Jesus cartoon
An unusual Christmas cartoon (because it’s about Jesus’s birthday)
Jesus keys his pin number into a bank cash point machine (atm). His number is his birthday, 25th December (25 12 in Britain, 12 25 in the USA)
A large number of people use their birthday as a password or pin number
A cartoon about Jesus, Christianity, religion, Christmas, PIN numbers, passwords.
Cartoon reference number: rel003
Christmas cartoons: Santa uses rhino not reindeer – Christmas myth cartoon
Christmas myth cartoon
Santa’s flying reindeer are just a Christmas myth shock!
Santa Claus on the roof of a house with a flying rhinoceros pulling his sleigh instead of the traditional flying reindeer. The rhino is telling a cat that the reindeer thing was just a silly myth.
Part of the joke is that the whole Santa Christmas story is a myth.
A cartoon about myths, beliefs and traditions.
Drawn: 2009
Cartoon reference number: xms005
Christmas cartoon. Is it time for Santa Claus to update his clothes?
Christmas cartoon
Santa Claus’s traditional clothes update
Santa employs a public relations consultant or marketing guru to update his image. The pr man suggests that Santa modernises his clothes to make them more fashionable and to improve his image with the young
He still keeps his trademark red though! (Apparently based on the corporate colours of Coca Cola).
A cartoon about fashion, tradition, corporate identity, public image, marketing
Cartoon drawn: 2000
Cartoon reference number: xms004
Christmas cartoon. Santa rescued by Superman. One mythical figure rescues another
Christmas cartoon
Mythological characters cartoon
Santa Claus is rescued by Superman when Santa’s flying sleigh goes out of control and plunges towards the ground
One mythological or mythical figure being rescued by another mythical figure
Cartoon drawn: 2009
Cartoon reference number: xms003
Christmas cartoon. Snowman cartoon – snowdog cartoon
Christmas cartoon
Snowman cartoon and snowdog cartoon
Children making a snowman, with one child making a snowdog (that’s urinating against a tree)
A cartoon suitable for a Christmas card
Cartoon drawn: 2000
Cartoon reference number: xms002
Christmas cartoon. The Three Wise Men follow the Star of Bethlehem
Christmas cartoon
The three wise men following the Star of Bethlehem
The three wise men find Jesus by following the Star of Bethlehem, which is announcing his birth. The Star of Bethlehem is a newspaper.
A cartoon about the media, journalism, tabloid journalism, religion, myths, tradition and Christmas.
This illustration was published as a Christmas card by Paperlink.
Drawn: 1991