Illustration about food obsession – Magritte cartoon
Cartoon about food obsession
Magritte pastiche cartoon
A cartoon about eating disorders or obsessive food disorders, drawn as an editorial illustration for an article about the subject in the Guardian newspaper
The cartoon is based on Rene Magritte’s painting of a person with an apple in front of his face
The beefburger in front of the woman’s face represents obsession with food
Notice that the hills in the background are in the form of food, and the clouds in the sky are in the form of loaves of bread – a reference to Magritte
The cartoon about surrealist art, surrealism, diets, dieting
Endangered species cartoon
Environment cartoons
Endangered species cartoon
A fish restaurant selling endangered species of fish
Over fishing is depleting fish stocks, with species such as cod and tuna being put on endangered species lists
A cartoon about food, resources, fishing quotas
Original version drawn: 2004
Reference number: a572
Cookery cartoon
Cookery cartoon – a recipe book for beginners
A cartoon showing a person reading a recipe book to find out how to prepare baked beans
A cartoon about how to cook convenience food and about how people don’t know how to cook
Cartoon reference number: a569
Cave man cartoon – the first celebrity chef
Cave men cartoon – the invention of cooking
A joke about stone age or prehistoric man and celebrity chefs
A cartoon about celebrity culture
Cartoon reference number: a359
Garden vegetable glut – gardening and cookery cartoon
Vegetable gardening cartoon
Cookery cartoon
Cartoon of a gardener harvesting courgettes from his garden and bringing them into the kitchen
In the kitchen the gardener’s wife is looking at recipes for courgettes and is saying “It’s amazing how many recipes you can find with courgettes in them when you have to”
This is a joke about the problem of gluts of seasonal vegetables and fruit.
Home grown courgettes are a particularly good example of glut-prone vegetables.