Illustration about food obsession – Magritte cartoon
Cartoon about food obsession
Magritte pastiche cartoon
A cartoon about eating disorders or obsessive food disorders, drawn as an editorial illustration for an article about the subject in the Guardian newspaper
The cartoon is based on Rene Magritte’s painting of a person with an apple in front of his face
The beefburger in front of the woman’s face represents obsession with food
Notice that the hills in the background are in the form of food, and the clouds in the sky are in the form of loaves of bread – a reference to Magritte
The cartoon about surrealist art, surrealism, diets, dieting
Government health advice – cartoon
Government health advice cartoon
A cartoon about official health advice
A cartoon showing a man standing on weighing scales, with the scales breaking due to the great weight of the book of health guidelines that the man is holding.
A cartoon about excessive health guidelines, the nanny state, health and safety guidelines
Cartoon reference number: a524
A cartoon about self help books – how to stop over-consuming
A cartoon about self-help books and over consumption
A cartoon of an overweight person trying to reach a self help manual about how to stop over consuming.
He can’t reach the book because he is too fat
This cartoon is about excessive consumption of all types – it depicts an obese person (an over consumer of food) to represent all types of over consumption. The point is that the obese person can’t reach the book because of his obesity.
The cartoon deals with the topics of consumerism, the consumer society, and addictive behaviour, amongst others
Cartoon reference number: a477
Dieting cartoon
Cheating at dieting cartoon
Showing a dieter holding helium balloons while weighing herself – as a way to register a lower weight
A cartoon about weight, weight watchers, obesity, overweight people, bathroom scales, losing weight
Cartoon reference number: a436
Dieting cartoon
Dieting cartoon – a dieter stamping on a diet book in which the diets don’t work
A cartoon about dieting and diets
A cartoon showing a dieter stamping on a diet book.
Cartoon about weight, weight watchers, obesity, overweight people, bathroom scales
Cartoon reference number: a435
Dieting cartoons. Woman weighing herself on bathroom scales
Dieting cartoon. Woman weighing herself on scales while holding a diet book
A cartoon about diets, dieting,weight loss,obesity,health,bathroom scales
Cartoon reference number: a356
Gardening cartoon and obesity cartoon – fat man in the garden
Gardening cartoon and obesity cartoon – fat man in the garden
Cartoon of an overweight man looking at a plant – but he is too large to be able to see it over his large stomach
The obese man is saying “You know you need to lose weight when you can’t see your flowers anymore”
Cartoon reference number: a264
See my book of gardening cartoons here.
Damien Hirst exhibition cartoon – vegan art gallery visitor
Damien Hirst cartoon. Can a vegan or vegetarian visit a Damien Hirst exhibition?
Cartoon originally created for the Damien Hirst exhibition at Tate Modern, London, 2012.
The caption of this cartoon reads:
“I’m not going in there – I’m a vegan.”
The joke in this cartoon is based on the fact that Damien Hirst’s work includes a lot of (real) dead animals, usually placed in glass cases (or vitrines) and often preserved in formaldehyde.
Hirst’s most famous work is a shark in formaldehyde. He has also used sheep and cows, some of them cut in half or into sections.
The cartoon poses the question – if a vegan or vegetarian visited a Damien First exhibition would it be against their moral or ethical principals?
Hirst was a member of the YBAs or Young British Artists. Perhaps now he’s a member of the MABAs, or Middle Aged British Artists.
A cartoon about art, morals and ethics.
Created: 2012
Cartoon reference number: a147
Dieting cartoon – woman weighing herself on bathroom scales
Dieting cartoon – a weight-conscious woman weighing herself and thinking that the towel she’s wearing must be very heavy.
Diet cartoon. A dieting person weighing herself on bathroom scales and being unhappy about her weight – and thinking that her weight on the scales must be higher than it really is because of the weight of a towel that she’s wearing.
A cartoon about obsession with weight, self-deception, obesity, anorexia, nutrition.
Cartoon reference number: a056
Diet cartoon – food fads and food intolerance
Diet cartoon. A cartoon about gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, dietary fashions and food fad intolerance.
A cartoon about food intolerance, showing a person who is gluten intolerant (and who is rejecting some bread), a person who is lactose intolerant (and who is rejecting some milk) and a person who is food fad intolerant (and who eating a plate full of food that is normally labelled as unhealthy).
A cartoon about food fads, health, dietary fads, ibs, irritable bowel syndrome, nutrition, allergies, allergy, allergic reactions, food scares.
Cartoon reference number: fd001b
Vegetarianism cartoon: meat eating partners of vegetarians
Meat eating partners of vegetarians cartoon
Vegetarianism cartoon
The cartoon shows an gathering of people who’s partners are vegetarians and vegans, but who are not vegetarian or vegan themselves, and who thus crave meat (which they either aren’t allowed to, or don’t like to, eat in the presence of their partners)
A cartoon about the way that people modify their behaviour in the presence of other people, especially to accommodate the other people’s social, ethical and cultural principles or mores.
A cartoon about food, ethics, meat eating, carnivorous or omnivorous diets, annual dinners, support groups, support networks
Drawn: February 2001
Cartoon reference number: veg251
Childhood obesity cartoon. The Pied Piper of Hamelin
Pied Piper of Hamelin cartoon
Childhood obesity cartoon
Cartoon showing the Pied Piper leading children to a cave. However, the children are all too obese to keep up with him, except for one fit child.
In the usual pied piper fairy tale the piper lures all of the children away, with only one child, who was a cripple, surviving because he couldn’t keep up. This cartoon turns the story on its head, with all of the children being too ufit and over-weight to keep up. The only child who can keep up is the one fit and healthy child from the town
A cartoon about Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales, health, diet
Cartoon drawn: 2011
Cartoon reference number: pip141
Obesity cartoon – an obese man reaching for a diet book
Obesity cartoon
An overweight or obese man reaching for a diet book – but he’s thwarted because he’s too fat to reach it.
A cartoon about obesity, dieting, diets, self help manuals, health, eating disorders.
Cartoon reference number: obe710
Cooking and dieting cartoon. Getting exercise by mixing ingredients
Diet and cookery cartoon
Does mixing ingredients count as ‘exercise’?
Cooking and dieting cartoon
A woman vigorously mixing the ingredients of a cake, deceiving herself that this counts as healthy exercise
A cartoon about health, healthy eating, lifestyle, unhealthy recipes, self deception, wishful thinking
Cartoon drawn: 2005
Cartoon reference number: fod010
Diet cartoon: how to reduce the weight of fattening ingredients in recipes
Diet cartoon
Cookery cartoon
Cartoon about dieting showing a young woman pushing up on the bottom of food weighing scales to deceive herself into thinking that she’s reducing the weight of unhealthy ingredients in a recipe
A cartoon about dieting, cooking, low fat food, reducing carbohydrates intake, health, healthy eating, lifestyle, unhealthy recipes
Original version drawn: 2002
Cartoon reference number: fod009
Moon cartoon. Macdonald’s logo replaces the moon in the sky
Moon cartoon