Consumerism cartoon. Transportation as a symbol of the destructive power of over consumption
Environmental cartoon
The rocky road to the future
The (metaphorical) road to the future, with the road breaking up under the weight of traffic. The car represents our consumer lifestyle.
A cartoon about consumerism, transport, cars, suv, four by four, 4×4, environmental destruction, unsustainable lifestyles, sustainability.
Cartoon reference number: env046
Wind power cartoon. Are wind turbines a blot on the landscape?
Environment cartoon
Wind power cartoon
Energy supply cartoon
A motorist on a crowded motorway complaining that wind turbines are a blot on the landscape or are eyesores.
A cartoon about renewable energy, wind power, electricity generation, road policy,sustainable development, sustainability
Cartoon reference number: env052
There’s a colour version of this cartoon here.
Climate change cartoons. Fossil fuel use causes flooding
Environmental cartoons
Anthropogenic climate change cartoon or global warming cartoon
Cartoon illustrating the consequences of the fact that fossil fuel use may be responsible for flooding.
The cartoon shows a car stranded in a flood
A cartoon about sustainability, the environment, floods, transport
Cartoon drawn: 2011
Cartoon reference number: env077
Biofuel cartoon. A fuel pump that resembles a bottle of cooking oil
Environment cartoons
Biofuel illustration
Recycling cooking oil as engine fuel
A fuel pump such as a petrol pump that resembles a cooking oil bottle
A cartoon about bio ethynol, ethanol, biodiesel, fossil fuel dependency, sustainability
Cartoon reference number: env054
Alternative energy cartoons – electric cars cartoon
Electric cars cartoon
Sustainable energy cartoon
Electric cars filling with fuel at a filling station. Instead of a petrol pump there’s a small electricity pylon
A cartoon about the environment, ecology, transport systems, hybrid cars, oil-free economy, fossil fuel dependency, power supply, energy sources.
Drawn: 2011
Cartoon reference number: env061c
Unsustainable biofuel cartoon. A plantation of biofuel plants
Energy source cartoon
Unsustainable biofuel cartoon
The cartoon shows a car driving through a huge biofuel plantation, with the driver saying that the plantation is so large that the nearest filling station is an hour away at the other side
How much land is needed to grow biofuels?
A cartoon about sustainable energy, biodiesel, unsustainable land use, energy consumption, transport, environmental impact, petrol or gas substitutes.
Drawn: 2009
Cartoon reference number: env053
A colour version of this cartoon can be found here.