Mushroom illustration – toadstool illustration – fungi
A drawing of a mushroom
Fungus illustration
Toadstool sketch
A drawing of a toadstool, mushroom or similar fungus, inspired by a walk in the park in autumn
The fungus in this drawing is a purely impressionistic one, made up on my sketch pad in my studio. It is meant to give the feel for the fungus rather than being a scientific representation of one
A drawing about autumn, fungi, mushrooms, toadstools.
A digital painting of fungus.
Cartoon reference number: a400
Fruit growing cartoon – pear tree producing gluts of fruit in the autumn
Fruit gardening cartoon – a glut of fruit on a pear tree
Cartoon about the problem of gluts of seasonal food or the over abundance of seasonal crops
The gardener complaining that all of the fruit on a fruit tree arrives at once.
A cartoon about fruit gardening, vegetable gardens, harvesting fruit, pear trees, garden fruit, allotment gardening, autumn gardens, fall gardening, fruit picking.
Cartoon reference number: a279
See my book of gardening cartoons here.
Autumn garden cartoon – Indian summer gardening
Gardening cartoon – autumn heatwave cartoon
Cartoon showing a man raking autumn leaves on a very hot autumn day after a cold and miserable summer.
The gardener is saying “This is the first time this year that it’s been hot enough to garden in shorts.”
A cartoon about unseasonable weather, Indian summers (spells of very warm weather in autumn or fall).
Cartoon reference number: a275
See my book of gardening cartoons here.
Autumn leaves blowing off a garden tree – into a neighbour’s garden
Cartoon showing autumn leaves blowing off a garden tree – into a neighbour’s garden
Cartoon showing a gardener saying “Always plant trees so that the prevailing wind blows the autumn leaves next door”
A cartoon about the importance of planting a garden taking into account the direction of the prevailing wind
As well as the direction of the prevailing wind the gardener needs to take into account other aspects of the orientation of the garden, such as the direction in which it is facing in relation to the sun.
Cartoon reference number: a244
See my book of gardening cartoons here.
Autumn gardening cartoon. Burning autumn leaves
Seasonal gardening cartoon – burning autumn leaves
Cartoon about tidying the garden in autumn
Cartoon showing a gardener burning autumn leaves
The gardener is making a bonfire out of the autumn leaves that have fallen onto his garden during fall.
The burning leaves are making a lot of smoke, which is drifting across into a neighbour’s garden where it is making the clothes that are drying on the washing line dirty. The neighbour is putting the fire out by pouring water onto it. (Pouring water onto the fire may actually be making the leaves damp and thus more smokey, which in turn creates a possible further point to the cartoon, even though it’s an inadvertent one).
Cartoon reference number: a242
See my book of gardening cartoons here.
Gardening calendar cartoon – planting bulbs at the autumn equinox to flower at the spring equinox
Seasonal gardening cartoon – planting in the autumn ready for the spring
Cartoon about the first signs of autumn in the garden
Cartoon showing a gardener consulting his garden calendar
The gardener in his garden shed thinking “It’s the autumn equinox – time to plant bulbs ready for the spring equinox!”
A cartoon about the gardener’s year, the fall equinox, the vernal equinox, seasons in the garden, when to plant bulbs.
Cartoon reference number: a241
See my book of gardening cartoons here.
Gardening cartoon – the arrival of autumn comes too soon
Gardening cartoon – the arrival of autumn
Cartoon about the first signs of autumn in the garden
Cartoon showing a man about to relax in his garden.
He is noticing the first autumn leaf falling to the ground
The man is thinking “I slave away all summer getting the garden just right to relax in – then suddenly autumn arrives!”
A cautionary cartoon about the dangers of working too hard towards a goal without taking the time to appreciate things around you while you’re doing it. In other words – don’t focus on your work to the exclusion of everything else – take time to smell the roses.
A cartoon about the passing of time, life-work balance, fall gardening, summer gardening, relaxing in the garden.
Cartoon reference number: a240
See my book of gardening cartoons here.
Gardening humour. Using a leaf blower to blow leaves into neighbour’s garden
Autumn gardening cartoon. Using a leaf blower to blow leaves into neighbour’s garden
A comic illustration showing a gardener using a power leave blower to blow the autumn leaves off a tree – making them land in the next door neighbor’s garden.
A cartoon about autumn gardens, fall gardening, nasty neighbors, antisocial neighbours, tidy gardens.
Drawn: Nov 2010
Cartoon reference number: a210
See my book of gardening cartoons here.
Gardening cartoon – garden or outdoor lighting cartoon
cartoon – someone using a standard lamp in the garden on dark winter evenings
Cartoon about garden and outdoor lighting.
Cartoon showing someone illuminating their garden on dark winter evenings by using an indoor standard lamp outside on a patio.
Drawn: Nov 2011
Cartoon reference number: a167
Autumn gardening cartoon – gluing fallen autumn leaves back onto a tree
Autumn gardening cartoon
Autumn or fall gardening cartoon – gluing the fallen autumn leaves back onto a tree.
The leaves are being stuck back onto the branches of the tree with glue so that the branches aren’t bare during the winter and so that the trees can provide some winter colour in the garden.
The man in the cartoon is saying “I’m gluing the fallen leaves back on so that we get autumn colour right through the winter.”
Cartoon reference number: a163
Autumn gardening cartoon – burning autumn leaves
Autumn gardening cartoon
Cartoon – burning autumn leaves
Cartoon showing someone tidying his garden by gathering and burning autumn (fall) leaves.
The smoke from the leaves is blowing in his face, ruining the effects of the fresh outdoor air.
Drawn: Nov 2011
Cartoon reference number: a162
Fruit Gardening Cartoon – modern children are no longer interested in stealing apples
Gardening cartoon
Fruit Gardening Cartoon – children are no longer interested in scrumping (stealing apples)
Cartoon showing children walking under an apple tree laden with apples, and not being interested in picking any of them because they are too engrossed in modern technological devices such as cell phones or other hand held electronic devices.