Marriage advice cartoon
Marriage advice
A cartoon from a series of ‘wellness’ cartoons featuring a life coach and spiritual advisor called Mrs Walton.
The cartoon features marriage advice to young men. The type of young men that I’ve depicted is deliberate. Interprete it as you wish.
The life coach is saying “Never marry a woman whoitmore attractive than Scarlett Johansson or less attractive than Lily James”.
A cartoon about life coaches, lifestyle advice, marriage advice, therapy, relationship advice.
Drawn: 2012
Cartoon reference number: a901
Internet dating for scientists
A cartoon about the language that scientists (may) use when internet dating.
A cartoon about the way that different types of people use different language in interpersonal encounters.
This is an example of my cartoon strip published in Chemistry World, the magazine of the Royal Society of Chemistry, round 2014 – 2015.
Cartoon reference number: a718
Arsenic poisoning cartoon
A cartoon about using arsenic as poison.
A cartoon about arsenicosis.
This is an example of my cartoon strip published in Chemistry World, the magazine of the Royal Society of Chemistry, round 2014 – 2015.
Here are more of my chemistry cartoons from Chemistry World magazine.
Cartoon reference number: a715
Cartoon – an optimist (irritatingly ) looking on the bright side of everything
An optimist who insists on looking on the bright side of everything can be very irritating.
A woman driven to murdering her husband because he is unrelentingly optimistic all of the time.
A cartoon about optimism, personality traits, positivity, looking on the bright side.
Cartoon drawn: 2002
Cartoon reference number: a703
Snooper drones cartoon
Personal spy drone cartoon
The use of drones for private detective work
This cartoon was drawn when drones were first being developed but were not generally in the public’s awareness. A cartoon about one of the implications of the spread of drone technology in the future if drones become available to the public as personal drones or as civilian surveillance drones in general
The drone in the image is being used by a husband to spy on his wife
Advances in drone technology have implications for civil liberties, with the possibility of a Big Brother society
Click below for another cartoon about the possible use of personal drones Snooper drones
Cartoon drawn: 2013
Cartoon reference number: a606
Recycling cartoon. Woman putting man in recycling bin
Recycling waste cartoon
Woman putting man in recycling bin
A cartoon showing a woman thinking of putting her partner or husband into the recycling waste. He is standing idly thinking of sport while she is busy doing the household chores (in this case doing the recycling by visiting the local recycling centre).
As well as being about recycling and sustainability the cartoon is about gender differences, couple incompatibility, partner resentment
Cartoon reference number: a456
Life as a game of chess – cartoon
Life as a game of chess – cartoon
Showing a chess board on which people are standing, with chess pieces on their heads like hats
A slightly surreal cartoon about chess. The concept is that life is a game of chess, and we are all players
It’s also about life strategies, competitiveness, power struggles, inter-human dynamics, interpersonal politics, sociology, game theory.
Cartoon reference number: a426
Speech balloons that link like jigsaw puzzle pieces
An illustration or cartoon about communication between people
The cartoon shows two people who communicate so well together that their speech balloons form two interlocking halves of a jigsaw that fit together perfectly
The cartoon illustrates a couple who are a perfect match who relate perfectly, complimenting each other, with their thoughts and ideas linking perfectly (symbolised by their speech bubbles matching or complimenting).
The shapes of the jigsaw pieces can also be interpreted as having a sexual connotation.
The cartoon is linked to therapy, relationships, couples, communication, understanding, empathy.
Cartoon reference number: a407
How to communicate with men – talk balls
Cartoon: how to communicate with men – talk balls
A joke about male obsession with sport, especially sports that involve balls
A humorous comment aon the communication gap between men and women.
The cartoon is also a criticism of some women’s dismissive attitudes to male interests.
Thie cartoon deals with issues concerning gender differences, gender specific interests, hobbies, women’s view of men, feminist’s attitude to men, feminism, male stereotypes, stereotyping, sports fans
Cartoon reference number: a343
Tunnel of Love cartoon
Cartoon. A couple in a boat leaving the Tunnel of Love. The boat enters a vast empty ocean called the Sea of Tedium.
A cartoon about the end of romance, the waning of love, unrealistic expectations, romantic delusions, the banality of life, boring partners, declining physical attraction, lovers, marriage, relationships, passion, boredom and ennui.
Not a very romantic view of romance really!
Drawn: 2006
Cartoon reference number: tun001
Organic gardening cartoon – worms dragging unwanted organic matter underground
Organic gardening cartoon – worms dragging unwanted organic matter underground
Cartoon showing a woman thinking about her husband being dragged under the soil by worms. Wishful thinking
A cartoon about organic gardening
The woman in the cartoon is a keen organic gardener – and her husband is a lazy waste of space.
She is thinking about the organic gardening principle that you should allow worms to drag decaying organic matter into the soil, and she is wishing that the worms would do that to her husband.
Cartoon reference number: a298
See my book of gardening cartoons here.
Environmental washing machines cartoon
Cartoon about ecological clothes washing
To save energy and the environment it’s best not to wash clothes too hot
A humorous illustration about energy conservation
Wise sayings cartoon. Never marry a woman prettier than …
Cartoon about advise on how to live your life. The sort of woman to marry – how attractive should she be?
The cartoon shows a ‘lifestyle guru’ telling some young men what sort of woman it’s advisable to marry.
Part of the joke in the cartoon is that the situation depicted is absurd, because the young men are obviously unmotivated members of disaffected youth culture. Marriage is obviously not on their agenda. Especially marriage to the sort of women to whom the adviser is referring.
This cartoon is part of a series about the phenomenon of gurus, personal counsellors, lifestyle coaches (a recent and rather ludicrous twist on the phenomenon of personal fulfilment), motivational speakers and suchlike. In the series the guru, counsellor or what-have-you is a very ordinary middle aged woman rather than someone who is removed from the humdrum of everyday life.
The speaker is meant to represent to some extent a parody of lifestyle advisers and self improvement gurus.
Cartoon about matchmaking, attractive women, marriageable women, marriage guidance, never marry a pretty woman, wisdom, counselling, engagement in society.
Cartoon reference number: a128
The Kiss. Two jigsaw pieces embrace
The Kiss. Two jigsaw pieces embrace, because they fit together perfectly and are clearly made for each other
A drawing of a kissing couple. The couple’s heads are jigsaw pieces which fit together perfectly when they kiss.
A drawing about love and romance. It’s a romantic drawing which I’m showing because it’s Valentine’s Day soon.
The drawing works as a Valentines Day cartoon, or as a piece of surrealist artwork. It’s a Valentine cartoon or an illustration about love, showing a romantic couple who are ‘made for each other’ because they fit together like pieces of a jigsaw.
Cartoon reference number: a117
Therapy cartoon. If you’re too happy perhaps you need therapy
Psychotherapy (or just plain therapy) Cartoon. Happiness cartoon.
Therapy cartoon – showing a woman saying to her partner “I’m worried about how contented you seem – I think you need therapy”
She is over analysing people’s moods and even diagnosing happiness or being happy as a mental condition that requires treatment.
Happiness cartoon. A cartoon about the potential over use of therapy, analysis, counselling, psychology, psychiatry, psychotic states.
Cartoon reference number: a086
Parenting skills cartoon. Naughty step cartoon
Naughty step cartoon. A cartoon about parenting and parenting skills.
Child psychology cartoon.
The naughty step is a child discipline technique of the ‘Supernanny’ school of child development.
The joke in this cartoon is that the technique has been applied by the mother to her husband as well as to her child.
A cartoon about child development, discipline, hen-pecked husbands, domineering wife.
Cartoon reference number: a057
Computer cartoon. Are computers intuitive to use?
Learning how to use a computer – cartoon. A man saying to a woman that computers are totally intuitive to use.
A cartoon showing a person using a computer and another person teaching computing skills.
A cartoon showing the difference in approach to knowledge and technology by men and women. The woman is unsure of her ability while the man is arrogant and sure.
A cartoon about computers and gender differences.
Cartoon reference number: a034
Differences between the sexes. Cartoon – a man noticing a car while a woman notices a cat
Gender differences cartoon. Cartoon – a man noticing a car while a woman notices a cat.
A cartoon showing a man being impressed by a high status car while a woman is more interested in the cat that is sitting on the car.
A cartoon about gender differences, feminism, gender roles, masculinity, male traits, female traits, genetic determinism, the blank slate.
Cartoon reference number: a030
Man doing housework cartoons. Product design designed to appeal to men
Men doing housework cartoons. A vacuum cleaner designed to appeal to men.
A cartoon showing a man looking at a vacuum cleaner and being interested in its design and specifications.
Some household devices such as the Dyson vacuum cleaner are very muscular and macho, and are probably designed to be targeted to appeal to male sensibilities.
A cartoon about gender differences, feminism, gender roles, masculinity, male traits, household chores, product design.
Cartoon reference number: a029
Man doing housework to impress woman cartoons
Men doing housework cartoons. Men act differently in the company of attractive women.
A cartoon showing a man modifying his behaviour in order to impress an attractive woman (possibly subconsciously).
A cartoon about gender differences, feminism, gender roles, sexual attraction strategies, deception, sexual display, gender interaction.
Cartoon reference number: a028
Men doing housework cartoon. Men never know which washing programme to use
Men doing housework cartoon. Men never know which washing programme to use
A cartoon showing a woman complaining to her husband/partner that he’s put the washing machine on the wrong wash cycle, ruining her clothes by making it shrink in the wash because it was too hot.
The cartoon shows the different talents/interests/preoccupations of men and women.
The man is good at fixing the plumbing, but he’s useless at using the washing machine itself.