Lemmings cartoon – the possible consequence of following an authority figure
Lemmings cartoon – the possible consequence of following an authority figure
A cartoon showing lemmings jumping off a cliff
One of the lemmings is warning against following a leader – “Never trust an authority figure – and definitely don’t follow one.”
This isn’t a cartoon warning about all authority figures, or all forms of following – after all, we need a bit of respect in our society. It’s a cartoon about blind allegiance and where it can take you, especially when the person who is being followed has his head turned by power
Cartoon reference number: a536
Altruism cartoon.
Altruism cartoon. Mindless violence and mindless altruism.
The evolution of altruism
A cartoon about the emergence of altruism in nature.
The cartoon shows prehistoric men or cave men fighting. Another prehistoric man is rushing to the scene of the violence to care for the wounded. Yet another caveman is wondering about the evolution of altruism as a personality trait.
Cartoon reference number: a535
Anti-vax cartoon
Anti-vax cartoon
A cartoon about anti-vaxxers and anti-vax conspiracy theories.
Anti-vax conspiracy theories are common at the time of writing (2020).
This cartoon however was drawn in 2007 (I think) for a BBC science magazine for an article about vaccine scare hysteria created by media driven hysteria over health issues. I think that was traditional media in those days, not social media as it would be now.
The cartoon shows a doctor looking at a hyperdermic syringe and thinking “One of the side effects of this vaccine will be a hysterical reaction in the media.”
A joke about medicine, doctors, hypodermic syringes, vaccinations, anti-vax, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theories.
Cartoon drawn: 2007
Cartoon reference number: a530
Consumer society cartoon
Consumerism cartoon
A cartoon about child development and shopping.
This joke was inspired by seeing children’s toys such as brightly coloured radios with words printed on them such as “My First Radio”
A humorous idea about nature or nurture, social attitudes, capitalism and social conditioning.
The expression “Born to shop” comes to mind
Cartoon reference number: a473
Life as a game of chess – cartoon
Life as a game of chess – cartoon
Showing a chess board on which people are standing, with chess pieces on their heads like hats
A slightly surreal cartoon about chess. The concept is that life is a game of chess, and we are all players
It’s also about life strategies, competitiveness, power struggles, inter-human dynamics, interpersonal politics, sociology, game theory.
Cartoon reference number: a426
Quotation about pedants
A humorous quotation about pedantry
“I’m not a pedant (in the strict definition of the term)
The quote is my own
A typography-based image showing a funny quote about pedants
The humour is in the fact that only a pedant would qualify their lack of pedantry as quoted here
Thinking, Fast and Slow – a tortoise and hare Cartoon
Thinking, Fast and Slow.
Tortoise and Hare Cartoon
A cartoon of the tortoise and hare from Aesop’s fables.
The hare is reading the book Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Daniel Kahneman’s book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, is about the theory that the cognitive functions of the brain operate in two distinct systems, one that operates impulsively and on reflect and one that operates on a more thoughtful and considered level. Both are necessary for survival, with the impulsive system making the snap decisions that are needed to keep you out of trouble.
In my cartoon the tortoise (representing the fast, impulsive part of the brain) is sitting on the back of the tortoise, with the implication that it’s trying to be a bit less impulsive and a bit more thoughtful.
A cartoon about psychology, evolutionary psychology, the mind, fables.
Cartoon reference number: a344
How to communicate with men – talk balls
Cartoon: how to communicate with men – talk balls
A joke about male obsession with sport, especially sports that involve balls
A humorous comment aon the communication gap between men and women.
The cartoon is also a criticism of some women’s dismissive attitudes to male interests.
Thie cartoon deals with issues concerning gender differences, gender specific interests, hobbies, women’s view of men, feminist’s attitude to men, feminism, male stereotypes, stereotyping, sports fans
Cartoon reference number: a343
Questioning authority – illustration
Questioning authority – cartoon.
A student questioning the authority of a lecturer
Cartoon showing a lecture on politics authority
A joke about authority, questioning, totalitarianism, anarchy, anarchism, authority figures
The joke is that the student is questioning the authority of a lecturer who is telling the audience to question authority.
This illustration first appeared in BBC Knowledge magazine.
Cartoon reference number: a332
You’re never alone when you’ve got a phone – cartoon
Mobile phone cartoon. Cell phone cartoon.
You’re never alone when you’ve got a phone – cartoon
A cartoon showing a person sitting alone with a mobile phone on the table.
The cartoon is an observation about people who place their phones on the table when they are on their own, to signal to other people that they have friends
A cartoon about mobile phones, cell phones,social media,loneliness,solitary people,communication.